PO4 Reduction

The ever-tightening environmental regulations have placed a spotlight on effluent phosphorus limits. Effluent values of < 1.0 mg/L are common and < 0.05 mg/L is not unheard of.

To achieve such stringent levels, the emergence of various mechanical processes has taken place. The easier, more economical, and proven method is chemical precipitation. Decades of chemical treatment history tells us that meeting levels of , < 1.0 is very achievable and meeting < 0.05 can be accomplished with regular occurrence.

Recent developments in innovative chemistries have improved treatment levels over standard commodity inorganic chemistries such as:

  • Aluminum Chloride 26%
  • Aluminum Sulfate 50%
  • Ferric Chloride 38%
  • Ferric Sulfate 60%
  • Sodium Aluminate 38%

New chemistries, incorporating modified polyaluminum chloride compounds, and the inclusion of organic polymer chemistries in iron and aluminum compounds has increased the removal capacities of these blended chemistries. There are even new exotic metals that have shown promise. Some of these new chemistries Coyne Environmental offers are:

  • CES PACl 2000
  • CES PACl 2040
  • CES PACl 2500
  • Phos Free Blends

Chemical selection is dependent upon your individual treatment process, flow characteristics, water quality parameters, point of injection, mixing energies, etc. Thus, to determine the correct chemistry for your application, injection placement and dosage, requires more than a GOOGLE® search to determine what is best for you.

Coyne Chemical’s Chemical Application Specialists are trained in all these parameters and are equipped to provide you the on-site testing requirements to meet your goals. And, since we offer all the chemistries noted above, we are not limited to that which is best for us — as with other chemical providers — but what is best for your facility and your application. Please feel free to contact our offices to have our Chemical Application Specialist visit your location to review your specific needs.

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